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01 August 2023

This piece is the fifth in a series of Fair Opportunities articles intended to raise awareness of the employment needs of justice-impacted individuals in Ramsey County and the benefits to employers willing to give these returning citizens a chance at meaningful employment. 关注即将发布的内容,详细查看活动区域提供商和资源, 以及从他们的互动中直接受益的企业和个人. 受司法影响的个人和当地雇主可以联系 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力解决方案 for assistance.

在美国,雇主找不到高质量的工人已经成为一种现状.S. 而该国的职位空缺数量“下降”到 9.2023年第二季度将达到800万美元在美国,大公司和小企业都很难找到满足其需求的员工.

同时,之间 七千万到一亿美国人 由于有某种形式的犯罪记录,他们很难找到合适的工作. 

Connecting these two points can help justice-impacted individuals and businesses achieve their goals together. 但要实现这一目标,还有许多障碍需要克服. It will require businesses to be intentional about “second-chance hiring” to provide workforce shortage relief while helping these persons step back into their communities. 

“我们不能再忽视这些候选人. 我们需要每个人都为我们的经济做出充分贡献,让它为每个人服务. Employers should proactively take a deep dive into their long-standing hiring practices for justice-impacted candidates,” said Karyn Berg, 爱博体育手机版下载规划和评估分析员. “Community organizations and the county are invested in helping employers be successful in making significant changes for inclusion.”    

Mutual assistance

第二次招聘可以在积极的社区发展中发挥重要作用. 拥有一份工作对任何人的自我价值都是至关重要的. Research indicates access to meaningful employment is essential for reducing repeat criminal behavior, including studies by 约翰霍普金斯医院, a 凯利服务和丰田合作 and with U.S. military enlistees

While many employers may be hesitant to include justice-impacted individuals in their interview pool, those experiencing poor operational performance due to insufficient staffing are missing out on a potential labor force. 除了增加劳动力之外, 这些人提供的工作质量可以超过许多没有犯罪记录的人. According to the 美国进步中心, 有犯罪记录的员工的平均任期更长, leave voluntarily less often and are terminated involuntarily at equal rates compared to employees without records. 此外,Stand Together Trust的一项调查表明 85%的人力资源专业人员 report workers with criminal records perform just as well or better in their jobs than other workers. 

Finally, as general societal awareness of the challenges of justice-impacted individuals seeking reentry into the workforce increases, 将他们纳入招聘实践正在成为一种商业优势. Research by the 人力资源管理学会 (SHRM) 76%的受访者 would be comfortable working for an employer that hires people with criminal records and 82% would be comfortable visiting a business that employs people with criminal records. 


对于许多雇主来说,招聘受公正影响的人一开始可能会让人望而生畏. Being intentional about their human resources strategies is critical to turning objectives into results. 下面的建议可以指导那些有兴趣帮助他们的企业的人, 社区和个人同时存在.

Ban the box.

Many justice-impacted individuals are screened out of hiring practices simply by filling out an application. 明尼苏达州人权部门对私人雇主执行“禁止盒子法”, which requires them to inquire about an applicant’s criminal history only after that person has been selected for an interview or a conditional job offer has been extended. Employers can submit their applications for review by the state to ensure compliance with the law here.


Business leaders know that strategies are critical to delivering intentional results in their operations. Implementing an updated hiring strategy can ensure that justice-impacted individuals receive a fair opportunity at employment. 教育人力资源主管和招聘经理的一个极好的资源是 让人才重返工作岗位 SHRM证书. It provides actionable knowledge and tools for these professionals to become more versed in the skills they need to help bring people with criminal records into their companies.

Community outreach

There are many community-based organizations whose daily mission involves working to help justice-impacted individuals. Collaborating with them to improve hiring practices can lead to a pipeline of potential talent. 这些领域组织包括:

  • 明尼苏达州惩教署有几个再入服务和资源,比如 明尼苏达过渡联盟. 
  • Twin Cities R!se has a mission “to transform the lives of those impacted by racial or socio-economic barriers through Personal Empowerment, 职业培训和有意义的就业.”
  • Repowered, formerly Tech Dump, is one of Minnesota’s largest e-waste collectors but is also a social enterprise that provides jobs and training for persons facing barriers to employment.
  • Ujamaa Place prepares men who are unemployed or underemployed and have yet to hold a consistent job due to instability or incarceration to enter the workforce through numerous services and resources. 
  • Art from the Inside is an organization founded by a correctional officer to allow incarcerated artists to express themselves through art and community exhibitions.
  • We Are All Criminals is a Minnesota non-profit organization dedicated to challenging society’s perceptions of being “criminal.” 

In addition, 爱博体育手机版下载劳动力服务中心 有很多项目旨在帮助雇主找到合格的工人吗, 包括受到司法影响的个人, such as: 

  • Job Connect 是双子城最大的劳动力和培训网络吗. 
  • Being an Employer of the Day 在社区地点是一个很好的方式来推广你的公司,同时筛选, 现场面试和雇用候选人. 
  • Fair Opportunities is a collaboration of Ramsey County and the 劳动力创新委员会 of Ramsey County offering information, resources and events to help employers better understand the value of hiring individuals impacted by the criminal justice system.

An exciting example occurring in out-state Minnesota is the Rural Minnesota Concentrated Employment Program’s 恢复连接 program. This program developed relationships with employers who commit to hiring justice-involved individuals. These employers benefit from access to individual specialized skills and the new employee’s eagerness to join their workforce.


Employers seeking to alleviate their workforce issues can make a fair business investment by intentionally adding justice-impacted individuals to their potential employee pool. Giving a second chance to these people eager to prove they are not a wrong choice they made has the potential to be the best choice a business leader can make.

爱博体育手机版下载劳动力解决方案恳求企业主和领导人 reach out today 看看他们是如何有意识地雇佣受司法影响的人的. 

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